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Sobre theh3ntaiOG
Welcome hoggers to my channel! I have big plans to make it something big and well know for a certain group of people with similar interests as me in a certain type of genre of games. I hope to support the developers of each of the games I play by bringing light to their masterpieces so that you too can discover and give them a try in supporting them as much as I do in their work. All the while providing all this content absolutely for free (ᵔᴥᵔ) with the exceptions of donations if (*NO PRESSURE*) you like to support what I do. I truly hope you all enjoy my content and if so to subscribe to further help me gather more fans or send me a request for games you would like me to show off next. I hope for this to be the beginning of something great and I thank you all for visiting! For more content or news about this channel visit my youtube page linked to the side here and through that my old channel (That failed to get verified) can also be found named as "Theh3Ntaioriginalgamer" on xvids
Status de relacionamento: Solteira(o)
Tem interesse em: Mulheres
Cidade e País: Sydney, Australia
Sexo: Masculino
Local de nascimento: Australia
Etnia: Other
Cor do Cabelo: Black
Pêlos do rosto: No
Tatuagens: No
Piercings: No
Interesses e hobbies: Gaming and HENTAI ( anime is cool too I guess)
Gosto de: MEMES
Não gosto de: Annoying Karens and McDonald's for not hiring me and learning what and meant throught google images ಠ╭╮ಠ
Visualizações do Vídeo: 91
Vistas de perfil: 16 665
Vídeos vistos: 11


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- enviou 1 novo vídeo!
desbloqueou um novo feito: "2 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "iFap"
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Sad news (most likely end of channel)

Hey all, I didn't feel the need to write this so soon but since I've been gathering a small fan base from just 1 video I owe it to you all to know what's going on... 
for the past couple of weeks, I've worked and tried posting a video which quickly got taken away due to it having an " Animal   Scenario"  in it, i was quite annoyed by the fact that it was just a game/bunch of pixels, So I decided to reach out to the support team about this and they explained blah blah blah. Wanting to be on their good side I understood why and quickly reworked on the video. long story short that also got removed and I just about had enough of it since I've already wasted time making 2 videos in the first place and now i have to go back and ask them why again and wait for hours till they respond which when I found out the reason, it was because the video had bl0old in it... the same video I edited removing the " Animal    Scenario"  got removed again and this time it was because it had bl0old in a game which is literally a bunch of red pixels in a game. I know a bunch of videos that have anima1 scenarios and/or bl0old and showed them examples of it asking why they are still up which its been almost a week and they still haven't responded back... and I know making this post won't change anything because I'm just a beginning channel, there're not going to take me seriously. so with that said I'm pretty fed up with them target a small person like me and as much as I want to see this channel grow, I've lost that motive since I've worked and planned alot in building this channel's foundation and knowing that I could work really hard on planning and editing a video, then for it to just to get removed or my whole channel for bull crap reasons of having pixel and animals or who knows why or what it would be next?... NO! I'm not going to keep trying to find out what my limits are if it means waiting for days for a reply back from the support team and so there's a super rare chance I'm coming back here. But if do I may post videos on my youtube channel to hint that and might see what I can do for youtube if any of you are interested in sticking around. If not then don't expect to see any videos up on here for a long time or at all till then caz I'm quite done with pornhubs support for H game channels or atleast how they've been treating me 
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next video!?

Little bit of bad news Hoggers, as I tried to post a video to show off some of the sex scenes in Captivity, my video got quickly removed by pornhub due to me showing off an "Animal   Scenario" which is a bit weird as I know quite a lot of videos that have theses types my similar scenes for other games and yet after barely starting I'm being targeted... long story short if I can't get this resolved I might have to give up on this channel to avoid getting into further trouble which will be quite sad as I still have tons of other games I want to play and start posting videos on. So if anything Stay tune for future updates on this channel or my youtube channel and hopefully soon enough i can get this resolved and start making videos again asap! Till then, tootles!
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2 anos atrás
ah mate that was actually my first try and long story short I wanted to take it seriously and get verified but x. videos weren't taking me seriously and were asking me to show off way too much compared to other people to get verified so I made that whole situation into a meme (which you can find my account through my youtube channel to see what happened) and resorted to making videos on pornhub instead.
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2 anos atrás
You could always move to x.videos (without the dot), they don't seem to be so anal about content.
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If you enjoyed my recent video as much as I enjoyed playing it then be sure to Check out "Captivity (18+)" by Perveloper! It's Quite a well-made game especially being in a state that promises to have much more to offer in the future and being only a few hours into it myself, I'm already more than satisfied with my purchases and these videos are by no means sponsored. I am purely doing this to support an already amazing developer so if you have the time and money, then do check out this game and stay in tune for a possible review on my youtube channel for this game. Till then,  tootles!
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