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Sobre OctaviaSteele
Just a sexually enlightened, open minded, crazy, red-headed nymphomaniac with an insatiable appetite for great sex and a wild imagination (which makes for quite some erotic and insane fantasies)...This is my public debut, after a long, hard, twisted, crazy journey I've accepted who I am, what I want, and decided what I want to do, with the help of the awesomely sexy, wonderfully addictive orgasmic god, Severus Steele...Did I mention he has a huge and amazing dick and an unimaginable ability to use it and leave you craving more? We love to have crazy, wild, and unpredictable sex in any and every place possible. We're just a young, horny couple looking to have some fun! Whether it be trading fantasies, erotic conversations, or just teasing the hell out of each other, I can't wait to see what excitement unfolds. I aspire to one day become a certified amateur porn star. I enjoy being pleasured and enjoy pleasuring people even more! If I can make just one person achieve an amazing orgasm, my day is complete!!
Status de relacionamento: Aberto
Tem interesse em: Mulheres
Cidade e País: Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Sexo: Feminino
Interesses e hobbies: Currently working on my associates degree in Natural Science with a focus on microbiology... I love being nerdy and intelligent. I really enjoy being able to be nerdy with other nerdy people. I am also learning marketing on my own time to be able to further my fan base and open our own production company. Any ladies interested in being in a video with me, my man, or both of us message me and we'll talk... We'd love to add a sexy and fun female for some naughty, no strings attached fun and filming
Gosto de: An amazing personality and intelligence. Someone who respects them selves and has pride in themselves. Confidence and pride in oneself is sexy as fuck. Knowing your flaws and still being able to be yourself and stand strong and proud because you know who you are. Being yourself no matter what anyone else says or thinks is seductively provocative and arousing. True and alluring beauty comes from within. You are only as amazing as you think you are and only your opinions matter!! And you bet your ass I'm one charming, teasing, badass bitch regardless of what anyone else might think. No one can bring me down, because I'm too high for them to reach!! Charming, delicate, and gorgeous women are the most captivating and alluring. Forget all the make up and hair spray, give me a cute, flirtatious, nerdy woman who's natural beauty far exceeds any model or barbie doll wanna be!! A gorgeous, humble, and down to earth woman is the most captivating and arousing fantasy I have that I hope to be lucky enough to find.
Não gosto de: Disrespect first and foremost..also,drama/personal problems. We have our own BS to worry about, don't make our encounter a full on pity party. Begging and prodding for compliments is another thing I can't stand. I hate attention whores and people who can't love and respect themselves enough to know that they are perfect in their own way. Extreme self consciousness and self depreciation are the worst. If you can't love yourself to know your something without the opinions or remarks of someone else, then you're really in the wrong place. Being shy is one thing but being self loathing hating is another. Conceited, arrogant, pretentious people also get under my skin. You cousld be better than me, worse than me, or the same as me that doesn't matter to me...I don't judge you, you have respect enough not to judge me. You wanna bring that to me, I'll turn it back around on you full force!! Try Me!
Visualizações do Vídeo: 14 449
Vistas de perfil: 11 024
Vídeos vistos: 99


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