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Maite y Mike
Maite y Mike

Maite y Mike

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Sobre Maite y Mike
Welcome to our intimate corner on the web! We're a real couple, passionate about exploring new boundaries and sharing our authentic connection with you. Here, every video and photo is a window into our lives, capturing genuine moments filled with love and complicity. We strive to offer unique and real content, where each interaction is an authentic experience. Immerse yourself in our complicity, discover the spark that unites us, and be part of this intimate journey that we're excited to share with you.
Status de relacionamento: Aberto
Tem interesse em: Rapazes e Moças
Cidade e País: Luisiana, United States
Sexo: Casal
Local de nascimento: United States of America
Medidas: 36-65-81
Doação: 7-9"
Altura: 5' 7" (170cm)
Peso: 145lbs. (66kg)
Etnia: Latin
Cor do Cabelo: Black
Silicone: Não
Prepúcio: Uncut
Pêlos do rosto: Yes
Tatuagens: Yes
Piercings: Yes
Interesses e hobbies: 1. Physical Training: We are dedicated to staying in shape. Our commitment to a healthy lifestyle unites us and gives us moments of connection while we work on our wellness goals. 2. Culinary Exploration: We share a love of gastronomy, whether cooking together at home or exploring new restaurants and flavors. 3. Travel and Adventures: We love exploring new places and having adventures together. Whether it's a weekend getaway into nature or exploring vibrant cities. 4. Art and Creativity: Creativity is a fundamental part of our lives. Whether through intimate photo shoots, or creating unique content for our audience. 5. Quality Time as a Couple: Above all, we value the time we spend together. From cozy nights watching movies to long conversations.
Gosto de: I love when you play with my hair. A good shoulder massage before or during sex really turns me on. Running a finger along my spine also gets me going. Romantic candles make me feel sexy. When I'm alone, I like to start slow and build up gradually. I need to change positions frequently to stay aroused. Long movements with your tongue feel amazing, please keep doing it. Running your fingers through my hair is a turn on, don't hesitate to tug a little. Kiss me passionately instead of being indecisive. Using your tongue more is better than not using it at all.
Não gosto de: One of the most important aspects for us is maintaining a friendly and respectful environment. The use of offensive language, insults or derogatory comments towards me or other viewers will not be tolerated. I want this to be a safe and welcoming space for everyone, where we can enjoy and have fun together. Lack of respect: Mutual respect is essential. I will not tolerate any type of disrespect towards myself, my boundaries or any other spectator. Disrespectful comments or behavior, including harassment, or any form of verbal, will not be tolerated and will be removed immediately. Disrespectful Requests: While I appreciate your suggestions and wishes, it is important to remember that each person has personal limits and preferences. I will not accept requests that make me feel uncomfortable, that are illegal or that go against my principles. Respect my decisions and let's enjoy together what is within my limits. Thank you for being part of our community and for your continued support!
Visualizações do Vídeo: 16 405
Vistas de perfil: 13 111
Vídeos vistos: 20
Mostrar 1-13 de 13


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