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Rant time.

OK, so I just got done with a completely random conversation on this site's messenger with someone who wanted me to follow some link that practically screamed "scam". I mean, am I so uninteresting that I only attract spammers now?? Seriously, it's like the chaos out in the real world has into cyberspace...purveyors of bullshit, as I like to call them, are everywhere these days. If all you're gonna do is try and get me to infect my computer with a virus, FIND ANOTHER SUCKER. Over and out.
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Just an average dude, some might say unattractive but to them I say fuck you, don't judge me until you know me. Just here to enjoy the content, and if I subscribe to you, it generally means your videos cater to one or more of my preferences.

Última sessão:
2 dias atrás
Estado de Relacionamento:
"United States"
Interesses e hobbies:
Video games, and not much else currently. I'd like to start camping, hiking, fishing and hunting on a semi-regular basis, but finding motivation is hard for me and I also can't afford such things.
Filmes e programas de TV favoritos:
Tons, but I am a huge sci-fi nerd (remember what I said about judging me?? I add to that: Live Long and Suck It, haters) and I also love superhero movies and shows (Arrowverse, MCU, etc.) and action movies (James Bond is one of my favorite movie characters, Jason Bourne a close follower). I also enjoy cop shows (NCIS, Criminal Minds) and "save the President, save the world"-type scenarios (Designated Survivor, White House Down, Air Force One, Olympus/London/Angel Has Fallen). Also, I would be remiss to forget Game of Thrones.
Música favorita:
Classic rock is pretty much the only genre I'll actively seek out, but if I'm in a public place or someone else's vehicle where they just play whatever kind of music, I can put up with pretty much anything except that angry subset of rap music that doesn't really promote a positive message of any kind.
Livros favoritos:
Any and all books that inspired or directly spawned the relevant movies and TV shows mentioned above, plus Harry Potter and the Witcher novels. There's probably more but I haven't picked up a book in far too long.
Gosto de:
First and foremost, women who don't shave their pubes completely. More on that in a future stream post. ------------ Women who are confident in their appearance, particularly those whose appearance might not be considered "attractive in the mainstream" but own it anyway. It's difficult to explain from my perspective, but conversely those women I am talking about know exactly what I mean. ---------------- Other than what I just wrote, it's really all about personality. More to come later.
Não gosto de:
Ugh, don't get me started. Basically any sort of "-ism" or any sort of discrimination whatsoever. But I also can't stand when I'm accused of something just as bad when I make an off the cuff remark about how the most virulent of those jackasses should be . I am on YOUR side, dammit! Sigh. Anyway, I also can't stand poorly executed porn, and this can be anything from camera work to story (or lack thereof). And I'd like to find the absolute MORON who came up with the concept of CENSORED PORN and shoot him in the face! I mean, the whole point of porn is to give your imagination a break. Granted, this is by and large directed at content originating in Japan, but still, I see it everywhere these days.
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1 592
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