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How to put on a fufu clip

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1 ano atrás
How do you keep yourself from getting an erection?
9 meses atrás
So it’s very difficult but it’s allllll mental like have you ever really really wanted to have sex with someone but you can’t get it up? That could be because you’re just not mentally in that headspace or it could be other things like drinking alcohol
10 meses atrás
Thank you so much for this video! When these fufu clips first started appearing I was really confused about how they worked but I ended up grabbing one to see how they work for just laying your crotch flat without all the effort of doing proper tucking for certain casual outfits and I was able to figure out how to get setup almost immedietly! You are so attractive and your videos are amazing so keep up the great work!
1 ano atrás
Don't you have a cute little fufu.
9 meses atrás
This video was very informative, I liked how you showed putting it on. Once it was on it did look very pleasing especially with the PA ring there. It was very enjoyable to watch too 🙂
9 meses atrás
You mentioned at the end that you can train yourself not to get an erection... How would one do that?
4 meses atrás
Not to be a buzzkill, but it has already been proven that chastity doesn't cause any shrinking. It's more of a getting used to it thing, where people gradually progress from a 2 inch chastity cage to an inverted one. You could compare it to a gymnast's flexibility, where they were able to attain not flexible joints, but just higher pain tolerance (and overall stretchier muscles and tendons); all of it through training. But the upside here is that it won't take you years to downsize.
9 meses atrás
Is- to allow your body to relax and stay calm. Chastity like the fufu or like traditional chastity can shrink your package (or so I’ve been told) granted I do most definitely believe I’ve lost like 2 or 3 inches over the years
11 meses atrás
That was very informative and sexy as fuck. Thank you
11 meses atrás
This was very helpful thank you. I’ve never heard of a fufu clip until today. I kinda want to try it.
10 meses atrás
I just bought one of these because of you
10 meses atrás
Calling this a chastity device seems a bit misleading. Chastity is supposed to keep you from either masturbating or having sex, this doesn't really do that. It really seems more like a gender affirming undergarment like binders. And I'm honestly very intrigued, tucking is really annoying, specially when I have to go to the bathroom and undo everything just do redo it when I'm done, this seems like a game changer, specially as a way to get used to having a vagina in preparation for SRS.
7 meses atrás
I agree that the fufu clip should not be called a chastity device. I have one, wear it 24/7 now! it's super gender affirming to not see all that junk down there and undies/clothing fit a lot better. It's also super easy to insert a finger in and nub, then when it's all over and done with it looks like I've been creampied which is hot I guess :')
1 ano atrás
Does this only work if you've had an orchiectomy?
7 meses atrás
i've had orchiectomy and barely have skin left on the lower part. i can't put the original on but i already wasted money on the grande by accident because of a reseller who didn't clarify this. do you know what the chances are that i can fit in the lite
9 meses atrás
Nope but I imagine it may work better with an orchiectomy tbh
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