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desbloqueou um novo feito: "7 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "6 year old account"
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Esta publicação foi afixada
escreveu uma notícia
Thanks to you all from Me (Nym) and Emily for all your lovely support and 'interest' 😉 in our content in the past couple of years.

We have decided to move on due to lots of changes in our lives, and one of those 'moves' meant that we "had" to decided to stop making content (publicly). We never did making the content as job or for 'profit' (at all), and thus it also meant that it did 'take up' spare time we had to record, edit, check, upload and mange all the content. 

Due to lots of other projects, personal life and more of the alike, we just don't have (enough) time to also edit, upload and maintain the content (and it's community engagement (like the comments) any more. 

We DO NOT regret that we have quit the content, so please don't worry 😉, we did had a GREAT time while making the content but now it's just time for something new 🙂

We also reset our account on Pornhub to make a 'clean slate' as 'Regular user' again, this does however means that also our friends-list has been cleared (as well as everything else). So if you where in my/our contacts/friends list before and we did regularly chat, then don't be shy to re-add us again 🙂 

NOTE: This however is NOT an 'invite' for 'random friend requests' to start asking for 'sex talk' and such 😉 ! I/we DO remember/recognize most of our regulars by their username so we will 'screen' the friend requests when they arrive 🙂

Much Love,

-xXx- Nym and -XoXoX- Emily
  • 5
desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Senior"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Archduke"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Junior"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Two Thumbs Up"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Sophomore"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Prince"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Porn Buff "
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Freshman"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Duke"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "iFap"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Virgin"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Squire"
  • 0
desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Hand Held"
  • 0

We're no longer into making content, nor will we be publishing new content from now on. We've had a great time doing so, but from here on we're focusing on new things in our lives :) Thank you all for your interest and lovely conversations. I/we will still keep in touch with the friends (and fans) from our model time, but our visits to PH are from now on strictly personal entertainment :)

Nym & Emily
Última sessão:
1 ano atrás
Estado de Relacionamento:
Interesses e hobbies:
Nym is a former adult toy store owner, porn model/content creator, Emily is a former escort (BY CHOICE!), (still) professional Dominatrix and more. Next to this we both are 'women in tech' (IT) including hardware and software development, and networking (infosec). Next to this we are still active in the 'adult scene', but nowadays more to help other models, on expo's, and by designing (sometimes custom/on special order) sex toys and more of the a like.
Gosto de:
There isn't much we haven't done or don't like (and that's A LOT during our previous 'jobs' and in our personal (sex) life). We both like almost anything, and anyone. As long as there is mutual respect. Obviously there are a FEW 'hard-limits', but there aren't many of them.
Não gosto de:
Pushy people, people instantly assuming they are 'BD-SM/SM experts' when they have watched a couple of 'kinky video's'. People think they can "convert women" by showing them 'what their dick can do', rude people etc.
Vistas de perfil:
641 835
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