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Sobre aaronthekayaker
Hey there! I'm a down-to-earth Canadian guy who loves jerking for your viewing pleasure. I'm generally a reserved guy IRL with lots of responsibilities and circumstances that prevent me from finding a partner, so this platform will be my chance to show you my suppressed sexual side. There is just something so wonderfully freeing about being naked, and being seen naked by people who want to see me naked (lol). I'm part nudist, part exhibitionist, it's a fine line between the two and I don't believe they are mutually exclusive. I don't take myself too seriously and have a quirky/goofy sense of humour and may even bring some of that here! I want you to get to know the person behind the cumshot. Follow me on Instagram too! There are lots of photos of my bum, but I'm not super active on socials. I even sell T-shirts and other ridiculous stuff, so if you want to support me, that's the way to do it!
Status de relacionamento: Solteira(o)
Tem interesse em: Homens
Sexo: Masculino
Local de nascimento: Canada
Doação: 5-7"
Altura: 5' 9" (175cm)
Peso: 155lbs. (70kg)
Etnia: White
Cor do Cabelo: Brunette
Prepúcio: Uncut
Pêlos do rosto: No
Tatuagens: Yes
Interesses e hobbies: Arts, crafts, woodwork, genealogy, ecotourism, birding and wildlife photography
Gosto de: Jerking off for all of you and reading your favourable comments turns me on immensely. I would love to know what it feels like to be bound and edged/milked, it looks intense as fuck.
Não gosto de: Assholes.
Visualizações do Vídeo: 156 849
Vistas de perfil: 58 721
Vídeos vistos: 365
Mostrar 1-24 de 45


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Beloved Subscribers, 
Thank you so much for doing just that: subscribing! It is much appreciated as always. I hope I haven't let you down so far! LOL 
Now, I've been doing some thinking, especially after working on this first cumpilation video - coming in at a staggering 35 minutes. Ha! Ok that may not be so staggering, and it may not be perfect, but it was still a lot of work. Come to think of it, I haven't even hit my first $100 as a creator on this platform and I'm already at 149k views (holy shit!). The risk/benefit of doing this sort of thing just isn't worth it financially. That said, I plan to keep my free videos here to get this piddly ad revenue and also start utilizing Pornhub's UVIU platform that is similar to OF and JFF. I have actually tried OF, but had terrible luck during the upload process, so that’s definitely something PH does right. That and having a huge user base - my largest “following” is here! And I'm pretty sure PH is Canadian, so... Represent! LOL
The point of this message is to let you know that from here on out I’ll mostly be posting new or custom content on UVIU . This goes for my debut CUMpilation video that is FINALLY available for your viewing pleasure. Now, paying on UVIU probably isn’t your most desirable outcome, but it’ll help me out with monetizing my content a little better and I can stick with this one platform. Bear with me as I figure out the platform, I'd rather you pay one subscription price instead of PPVs.
In other news, I have finally done something I’ve wanted to do for quite some time and that’s set up an Etsy shop! Over the course of who knows how long I will be selling vintage items and antiques (that I inherited - I have hundreds of items to list), handmade items by yours truly, as well as various wearable merchandise that sometimes pays homage to my NSFW nature and sometimes not. It’s basically a clusterfuck of ideas coming into one tidy online shop. I just set it up the other day after procrastinating for too long, so it’s not *quite* ready for the hard launch just yet. 
In conclusion, if you like my content and want to support me, but don’t like paying for porn, but also need to wear clothes or redecorate your home from time to time. Well, my Etsy shop might just be for you! LOL
Send me a DM if you want the link prior to the hard launch, there are only a few wearables in there now! You won't find the link in my bio... yet
As always, thanks for watching!!
Luff ewe awl 😘
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Prince"
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publicou um vídeo
I’m thinking of making a CUMPILATION video! Should I do it? You might see some clips that I haven’t posted! 🙈🙈 comment below! (it helps with visibility 😘)
Poster do vídeo Pernas longas do papai peludo bombeiam seu pau apertado sem cortes em um caiaque
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1 mês atrás
Well at least we got up to 5! I am happy to report that I am in the midst of editing my first CUMpilation video! So far it showcases 28 cumshots over 13 minutes. You won’t want to miss it.
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4 meses atrás
Just 2 likes? Jeez Louise… that doesn’t motivate me all that much. Maybe the next will be another solo sesh. We’ll see!
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- enviou 1 novo vídeo!
- enviou 1 novo vídeo!
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Felt like posting another older video from about Jan. 2020. I enjoyed making it, I hope you enjoyed watching this unedited vid! Lol
Poster do vídeo POV: Você assiste de cima enquanto eu acaricio meu pau sem cortes para meus fãs.
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- enviou 1 novo vídeo!
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