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Adam and Chad were new friends. They had talked about their sexual fantasies and how they would love to bang a hot chick at the together. And on this day Adam had put the wheels in motion to make a fantasy cum true. 
He had been dating this 19 year old blue eyed blonde chick names Katie, that would do anything he wanted in bed. He had really been wearing her sweet, perfect ass out! Adam had told her that he wanted her to ask his friend Chad to join them for some really hot sex the next time that he came over to hang out. She had said that she would and thought that it would be really hot. 
So that Saturday Adam called and asked if Chad would like to hang out. That he had a "fucking" fun night planned!. When Chad arrived he knew something was up. Adam and Katie were walking around in there under ware. [And Adam already had a boner!] Katie ask Chad to cum on over and sit on the sofa. She sat on his lap facing him and asked, "would you like to join Adam and I for some hot adult playtime?". 
Chad looked over at Adam and Adam gave him that look like... Let's do it! Katie asked if Chad would like to see her boobs and he said "well of course!". She took off her bra and Chad started sucking on her c cup beauties. Adam came over and sat down beside them with a beer and Chad said "give me a drink of that!" and they all had a good laugh. 
Next Katie stood up and took her panties off to show off her perfect shaved pussy. She asked Chad to put his finger in to feel how tight it was. And it was tight. She was already so fucking wet. She got on her knees and pulled Chad's shorts down and started sucking his cock. Adam got on the floor behind her to gold her hands behind her back so Chad could really force that big cock down her throat and she loved it! 
After a bit she slipped over to Adam and started sucking his cock while she played with Chad's cock with her hand. Adam stood her up and got on his knees. He turned her around and started licking her ass hole. He told Chad to eat her pussy and he was happy to jump on in. After a bit he turned her around so they could each lick the other side. Chad was in heaven! He loved a sweet ass! And her's was plump and perfect!
Adam suggested Chad sit on the sofa and Katie sit on his cock and ride it. When she got to going good Chad reached around and started playing with her nipples. Adam got on his knees in front of them and started licking the top of her pussy. She could hardly take it but he made her keep going. She was cumming all over Chads dong and that suction sound made Adam so fucking hot!
Next it was Adam's turn. He laid back on the sofa and Katie got on top and started riding again. Adam said he was about to cum so they stopped for a bit and went on into the bedroom. Adam pushed Katie onto the bed and grabbed a neck tie from the doorknob. He turned her over and proceed to tie her hands behind her back and explain to her she was nothing but a fucking slut that was fixing to get fucked like the whore she was.
Chad spoke up and said "tighten that muther fucker up! Let's treat her like the slut she is! With her in position Chad took some lube and poured it on her asshole. He put in one finger and then two. Then Adam told him to let her have it. It took a moment but he got his cock in her tight ass hole. He was holding her ass checks and letting her have it!
Adam was beside her holding her by the hair so she wouldn't wiggle away. This made Adam so horny so he said let's change it up.They laid Katie on her side and Chad laid down behind her. He stuck his cock in her pussy and it was so fucking wet! As he started fucking her Adam started eating her pussy and she started going crazy. Then Adam decided to jump in and squeeze his fat cock in her pussy with his Bro! They were in the groove when Chad said he was about to cum. When he did Adam could feel his cock pumping hard and it made him want to cum. They filled her up! 
Then they laid her on her back with her head hanging off the side of the bed and took turns gagging her until their dicks when limp. They untied her and all got in the shower to cool off. After the shower it was time for a snuggle and a cuddle. They laid around the rest of the day until she said. I'm ready to go again boys. Let's play!! 
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