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desbloqueou um novo feito: "6 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "3 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Squire"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "2 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Critic"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "1 year old account "
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Freshman"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Mugshot"
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This is all new to me

We are happily married . I'm infertile, so we have no . We are quiet, ordinary people. I believe my body was intended to be enjoyed, so we have a good sex life. I love the excitement of exposure. I'm pretty shy, which I'm sure must be why exposure is such a thrilling turn-on for me. My husband is very proud of me and likes it when other men can see me, and that adds to my pleasure when I can do something so exciting for him. We act like the sheers at a motel window are private enough, he goes out and watches other men who watch me dry off and comb my hair at the vanity after a shower. We are cautious about how I am exposed and where. Sitting on a low bench without panties at a museum, wearing heels to raise my knees, pretending I don't know I'm exposed. We both want my pussy showing clearly so a man has time to look, not just a quick maybe I saw it. Generous arm holes in a loose blouse, using a purse strap to improve the view from behind. Necklines that are modest when standing, and a need to bend to tie a shoe so a bare breast is showing. We find all kinds of ways for what we call accidents while I appear completely innocent. We are ready to try new things. There is so much fun, so much excitement in our simple ways, and we know there can be so much more. We are exploring porn. Most is about and , but some is beautiful and fun. Search I left my wife alone... to see the video about a blindfolded wife. This is so sexy to me. We have watched it many times, and my husband is beginning to notice how much it affects me. Every woman fantasizes about sex with another man, mostly so she is innocent. We have often role-played mild , not physically , grabbed and blindfolded, and it is a major turn-on for me as I imagine another man. This couple uses bondage so she is innocent and unable to resist. Even if they staged this with a friend, it's possible she doesn't know which friend, which would add a lot to the excitement for me. My husband says he is taking notes when I talk about not knowing which friend. Something very new in our life, we are gently discussing him bringing a friend to the role-play. I can't just say do it, it would the suspense. I am carefully assuring him I will still love him if he wants to live his own fantasies while he helps me live mine. He is good at realism, and I expect to choke with excitement when I have to wonder if he has actually brought me another man. There is so much exhibitionism and flashing on this site, so many new things for us. Nude cartwheels in the parking lot don't look sexy to either of us, but there are so many ways of naked exposure. I want to be casually naked where men can see me and have time to look. Like a nude beach, except that isn't sexy either because naked is normal there, and we don't have nude beaches in our state anyway. There is a place at the lake where it's mostly guys, often playing some kind of water sport with a ball. No decent beach for families. We agree we will be there when water is warm enough for them, I will simply sit naked on a towel beside my husband and be there for them to see. No game, no accident, just let my husband undress me for them to see. We are both very excited about the coming summer and the places we will find where I can finally be naked. I made no secret about my interest in the video I mentioned above. I suggested this, park below Disney, go down to a reasonably remote place, tie me with arms wide instead because it looks more comfortable. We take our 1-in-a-million chance that someone a) reads this, b) knows how to decode the hints just given, and c) wants a free fuck anonymously. He is as excited as I am at the slim, slim possibility that I will be fucked tomorrow 2/6 in the warmth of the afternoon. We are shaking with excitement about setting it up and wondering if we will have the nerve to have him actually walk away, leaving me blindfolded with a tube of K-Y on the towel beside me. We want so much to try new more exciting things, and this one appeals to both of us. Most men dream of seeing their wife with another man, but he never imagined I might find the idea of actually doing it exciting. Here's our chance to explore a new world. If you see a tall strawberry blond and her husband leave their car, wait a few minutes. He will be off with binoculars.
  • 14
6 anos atrás
  • 1
8 anos atrás
Hello. lateral. Well, maybe you should have been there. Something happened and I'm not sure what. He went downstream, and after I had plenty of time to feel all kinds of emotions, someone came from upstream. Not a word was said. I was fucked, gently, treated with respect, no condom. My husand was there quickly, checking on me to be sure I was ok. He had watched another man fuck me. The emotional drain was strong. We don't talk about the details but we are all excited thinking up ways to do it again. Honestly I believe it was a friend. It was all too smooth, I mean here I am and then here comes someone to fuck me. The effect was so powerful for me even if it was one of our friends. And if it was I have no idea which one, so I get a thrill every time we meet a friend. I told him this and he likes to play on that occasionally. Would I be upset if I found out it was ..., and so I have shyly managed to let him know the excitement would be the same with our friends as it was with the strange
  • 2
8 anos atrás
We're off to Disney
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Scribe"
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Envious of mothers with , who in turn envy me for my well- preserved body. Believe it's meant to be enjoyed. Can't conceive so have never used a condom, always have cum inside. Happily married. Yes, for those who've been asking, that's me.

Última sessão:
4 meses atrás
Estado de Relacionamento:
Rapazes e Moças
"United States"
Gosto de:
We role-play so I'm innocent, & dream of more reality without the obvious problem. The video about the man leaving his wife bound and blindfolded for a stranger to find excites us. Tempting, we're talking.
Não gosto de:
Anything relating to leaving the mouth out of sex before, during or after. It's all to be shared, tasted, enjoyed. If you don't want to taste your own pussy in a kiss, how can you ask your man to put his mouth there?
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6 144
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