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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Junior"
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Teanna Trump

Teanna Trump is the only Trump that I would be voting for...
She is currently my favorite pornstar. She is a lightskinned beauty with an amazing ass, a pretty face, who can suck a cock and take that same cock in her tight pussy. She started young and I see her taking over porn. I could watch her all day. Love this chick!
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I have no idea how I came pass the fleshlight, but I am damn sure glad I did besides that is not what you are all here for anyways. You want to know the juicy details! 😉
I will start off by saying once I opened the box and felt the sleeve itself I can understand exactly why putting your cock inside of this would feel amazing. I did a bunch of research and asked fellow fleshlight users their experiences and tips so I was prepared.I closed by door, went onto some Mia Malkova porn on my tablet, and placed the fleshlight between my mattress and box spring. The sampling lube packs were a nice touch. I applied the lube and started thrusting my hips the first word that came out of my mouth upon penetration was, "Wow!". I kept fucking the fleshlight until I came inside. To say the least, my first experience was great! I then went for round two (with a shoe method that didn't really work out well.), round three (jacking myself off with the fleshlight), round four by placing it in between the mattress and box spring again, and one last time by jacking myself off. Five rounds and each of them were out of this world. I squirted so much cum inside of my fleshlight already and already finished off one of the sample packs of lube.
I love this sex toy so much already so I had to make sure to clean it with warm water, the anti-bacterial spray, and renewable powder (which can get messy). The cleaning process is time consuming, but to keep the fleshlight in perfect condition is something with sending time on. 
Overall, I would say the fleshlight is a MUST HAVE for any guy. It's not pussy, but the closes thing you can get to it. The cleaning process is lengthy and tedious, but it's worth it. I will also say because of the cleaning process going for the fleshlight every time you want to masturbate probably wouldn't be the best option which is why for now on I won't be masturbating for a week and will get a full release using my fleshlight. Couple who are interested by it, ladies, your man will love you for it. Using the fleshlight on him can be very intimate. I highly reccommend this priduct. I already bought more lube, another sleeve (Misty Stone swallow), a sleeve warmer, and the cleaning products. BUY IT! 
UPDATE: Just to further expand on the cleaning process it is very tedious. Considering I don't live alone sneaking around trying to clean my fleshlight without being caught and questioned is really a hassle. It still doesn't effect the admiration of the fleshlight. I just wish cleaning was faster and easier.
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Mia Malkova...

Is currently my favorite pornstar actress. She is perfect. An amazing round ass. Her smokey, seductive eyes that scream sexual hunger. That smile. I can go on and on. 
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Sophomore"
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I began to watch porn at the very tender age of 12. I started off on a website called, "Dump.com" and other sites like, "Bangbros" and anything else I could find (including my parents secret porn stash. Heh). It wasn't until a couple years later when I was introduced to, "Pornhub.com" and it has been (And still is) my go-to website whenever I am in the mood to watch some porn. The very first pornstar I can remember watching was Naomi Russel. The type of porn I watch depends on the mood I am in. Sometimes I want to watch a woman get fucked hardcore, sometimes I want to watch cumshot compilations, creampies, amateur, public, or just some hot. passionate love making. I experiment with my video watching habits every once in a while just to keep myself entertained, interested, and to try something new. I won't be posting any videos on here, but I am down for interaction with the Pornhub community.

Blake Norfolk
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