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Sobre slaughtersmcgee
I recently lost my Kitten. My partner in crime, partner in porn. We knew each other so we'll and we made these videos and they are not edited and the content within was us with no acting we were made to no each other's bodies. I'm sure we will meet up again and I'm just going to enjoy life and have fun. Money is nice but I do this for enjoyment. Just leave your worries and your clothes at the door and come get some ☺️
Status de relacionamento: Solteira(o)
Tem interesse em: Rapazes e Moças
Cidade e País: Dayton, United States
Sexo: Masculino
Interesses e hobbies: Being a sex slave, being used for sex, the corruption of innocence, being a man shaped dick delivery system that became self aware so l am literally a sex machine, I dabble in humor laughter is a hole opener, if you make a girl laugh she will let be a golfer and search her private for 18 holes. Lol all jokes aside I hate taking life so seriously. Sex is supposed to fun and alot of people sell themselves short. Aside from sex I like singing, writing, cooking, playing video games, talking: quick note I love being able to be comfortable enough with a person to where you are able to talk while haveing sex and it not effecting you. People take sex way to seriously sometimes. More times than not when I end up with someone who is a friend and I know for a good amount of time. I end up laying down the smolder and also alchol I mean woops but it's very to convince a friend that you have known for like prior to have sex, once they agree then you Introdice the interested person which is the man w
Gosto de: I can't say the brown word (number 2) it was good too. I was saying I like being able to laugh at another especially during sexy times and then I said that I don't know how a couple who have a fetish for making boom boom on each other I would die laughing as soon as I heard a struggle or a grunt. The whole thing I just cant. Hats off to a couple who can keep a straight face during I don't get it but it's funny to butt I'm corny sorry if my humor is a waste and hope they are not sh**tty ,, (that sentence made it all worth it) anyway my turn one are the word yes, I love thick women. It drives me Inane and t and tests how durable my pants are, that also for me means big butts,BUT I like the ones that are nice regardless of the a, angle. I think my video partner username: m30wp0w has the perfect butt and it litterally makes pants look good instead of the other way around, I'm a switch so I like to do both but I more into being a sub, roleplay is and and want to do more with it, and I really find myself wanting t
Não gosto de: Cheating when you offer to bring someone you may see and you think they are attractive. Really just come to me and say "Hey daddy I think this dude is hot and I want to have you and him fill me" I'll respond " Okay but I'll watch and you can tell me how much better it is and the we will make you our plaything" boom why would you??
Visualizações do Vídeo: 1 170
Vistas de perfil: 1 066
Vídeos vistos: 293
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Lol I added you too but you have a line it would seem lol

Snap: Natycums

I need freaky horny ppl who want to get really naughty tonight, anyone? 😇 Snap: Natycums
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