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Sobre Ilikeitlots
British born Asian. Exhibitionist by nature. I get turned on by being knowing you're touching yourself while watching me. I get pleasure from your pleasure. Reading your comments turn me on! Please like, favorite and comment on my videos. I take requests and I am open to video suggestions or ideas. Subscribe and check my profile regularly for my next video. ... If you are thinking about becoming a model on pornhub too using my referral https://www.pornhub.com/model/referrals?referral=49844451 For business enquiries or if you are feeling very generous please send me an amazon gift card to my email: talldarknhotsome@gmail.com lots of love x
Status de relacionamento: Aberto
Tem interesse em: Mulheres
Cidade e País: London, United Kingdom
Sexo: Masculino
Local de nascimento: United Kingdom
Doação: 7-9"
Altura: 6' 0" (182cm)
Peso: 153lbs. (69kg)
Etnia: Other
Prepúcio: Cut
Cidade natal: London
Interesses e hobbies: Crafting, foraging, massage, health, gaming, Netflix, marvel, anime, electronics, knitting, engineering, cars, finance, martial arts, food, travel, history, spelunking, urban exploring, snowboarding, skateboarding, motorbikes, racing, airsofting, DIY, self sufficiency, permaculture, gardening, reading, videography, teaching, swimming, hiking, calisthenics, ....sex? way too many to list here
Gosto de: Passion, lust, desire, hair pulling, neck biting, lip biting, back scratching, teasing, moans, cunnilingus, the female orgasm, legs, tummies, hands, chests, backs, shoulders, slender necks, lush lips, hungry eyes, back dimples, nipples, piercings, tattoos, nature lovers, hippies, multiple orgasms, being watched, edging, masturbation, mutual masturbation, rough sex, creampies, threesomes, rock chicks, emos, egirls, nice smelling, good kissing, good rhythm and body control and the list goes on
Não gosto de: Lacking passion/intamacy, faking it, if I can tell you're not enjoying yourself I wont either, bad breath, bad smell, lack of curiosity, too much pubic hair, dead fish
Visualizações do Vídeo: 10 672 460
Vistas de perfil: 1 988 277
Vídeos vistos: 11 945
Mostrar 1-24 de 24


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May the 4th be with you!

Maybe someday I'll do some light saber tricks dressed in leather for a video 😂 such a huge franchise now. Instead I'm dressing as a medieval king to go celebrate Beltane 😘
  • 17
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I was just reading and replying to some comments and this video has a staggering 400 comments?! That's amazing, what's more amazing is every single one sends me such good vibes ❤️ I feel so blessed, I'm truly touched by all the love sent my way ❤️❤️ now let me give you some love back 😏
Poster do vídeo Unboxing- Tantaly me enviou uma boneca barbie, mal podia esperar para tê-la
  • 13
2 semanas atrás
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10 million views!

I completely missed the moment I went over the 10 million mark! Crazy. Never thought I'd get here. I wonder how many orgasms that translates to? I feel I should mark the occasion somehow but I don't know how... anyway I hope you all have a good fucking Friday 😘❤️
  • 26
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Brand whore, a sellout and a hoarder

I keep getting requests for commissions, it's so difficult to say no to free stuff! I'm naturally a bit of a hoarder and have interests in too many things and so I've ended up with a lot of stuff! These dolls are not helping haha they are so big! One doll is easy enough to store, can even just keep her in the bed 😏 but 3 dolls with more on the way is getting a bit excessive 😳. I seem to do that a lot, like I love electric skateboards but I have 4....which is at least 2 too many 😅. I find it hard to get rid of anything, sometimes I do a bit of a cull of things like clothes and it never seems to make a dent 😭 living with me must be a bit of a nightmare 😂 I really need to get a place of my own 🙏🏡 Hopefully all this commissioned work will help to getting my own place one day. I used to do this stuff just for fun and because it gets me so horny knowing you're all enjoying my content so much and that's still the primary reasons but now it's turned into a bit of a side hustle I hope you all don't mind what it's become. I know many still prefer the toyless videos and I will make more ❤️ I should really hurry up and sort out some OF or something for less sponsored content 😬. If I could quit my job and do this full time that would kinda be awesome ❤️
  • 15
3 semanas atrás
ah... si necesitas un lugar donde vivir, puedes venir a mi pussy, serás muy cálidamente recibido. (es broma) (si tu quieres no es broma jajsjajk)
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The end of the cherry blossom

I love this time of year right at the end of the cherry blossom. Sitting under a cherry tree in the warm spring sun surrounded by petals slowly falling to the ground. One day I'll find a nice cherry tree to do a video under for a dreamy scene to play out 😏😘
  • 16
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Foraging and fermenting

I've had such mixed results from wild fermentations. It's fun but I do really want to get to a point of having a bunch of fermented foods and drinks always on the go. I've never managed to make a good elderflower 'champagne' but I'm going to do a bunch of experiments and hopefully make a lot of bubbly! I've got my fingers crossed for a good foraging season. I've been brewing my own ginger beer which is delicious, spicy and fairly strong! I wonder if drinking a few ginger beers would get anyone horny....😏
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3 semanas atrás
por dios ¿un hombre con habilidades desarrolladas? la epítome de lo excitante.
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1 mês atrás
Watching you make them would get me horny, intelligence/mastery of a skill, and creativity are very strong turn-ons
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Handstands and cartwheels

Over the past few months after martial arts training I've been trying to do some handstands and cartwheels along with some various other bits....yes I'm a schoolgirl 🤗 but I'm so surprised to actually start seeing progress! I really should have filmed my progress from the start😅 Also I'm slowly training myself back into doing the splits. Less progress on that front! I've always thought about some interesting positions I might be able to do if I could get that flexible and if it'd make good content 😜
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1 mês atrás
What a coincidence i've recently been thinking about getting more flexible, i guess this is my sign lmao
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It's the golden rule

Been watching Fallout on Amazon prime (if you haven't signed up for prime and like to please use my affiliate link: https://amzn.to/3Q1ps86). I'm actually really pleasantly surprised. I've almost always been disappointed in game adaptations but finally we have one worth watching! Now, do you want to have sex?
  • 4
2 dias atrás
I finally finished the season and can’t wait for the next one. Such a good show. A little Fallout cosplay might be fun too 😉
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1 mês atrás
I binged it!! I can't wait for season 2! I have so many theories!!!
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1 mês atrás
I thought Halo was also surprisingly good
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1 mês atrás
Amazon Prime and chill? 😂 I didn’t know there was a series for the game. I’ll Have to check it out!
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1 mês atrás
Sex and fallout
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I'm such a nerd

I love looking at data the hub collects to turn into analytics. Sometimes I think I got into the wrong industry. I used to hate statistics at school but maybe it's because the subject was never porn 😂. It's good to see my latest videos are doing fairly well, interesting that the first is doing almost doubly better than the second... perhaps I didn't do a good job at tagging the second. Always find it hard to choose tags when youre so limited on how many you can have. Sometimes it's good to try new tags to capture a different audience, sometimes better to use popular tags for higher traffic...different wordings and spellings, word combinations, just so many possibilities! Maybe one day I could work for the hub analytics department and show some interesting data and better apply tags and titles to my own videos! I think that would count as insider trading 😂
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3 semanas atrás
I'm curious if that changes much, I've been told some enjoy a big size difference
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3 semanas atrás
Really?! Interesting then I'll reword it?
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3 semanas atrás
The word "tiny" turns me off
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