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Anyone trying to remake this with me at NYC penn station?
@harddick7 hit me up and add me
poor big guy in the khakis, all he wanted to do was go pee
Where the hell did that little dick white dude come from? They are always places they are not wanted when there are black guys trying to get it on. I remember one time me and another black guy were getting it on at a rest stop bathroom and just as it was getting hot and heavy we saw this white guy jacking his tiny ass dick...we tried to move but he kept following us, finally we just gave up and left.
@Vegsboy70 I feel you!! It was like that in Chicago at the one place I went to....the black men would be trying to get a private party going, but there were always some lame ass white dudes right there fucking up the vibe. It's like get the fuck away from us Bob. LMAO
Take you little black dick and get it sucked at home instead of "PUBLIC" and stop complaining.
dirty mike and the boys at it again i see
There used to be scenes like this in the basement bathroom of one of the TD Bank towers in Toronto. Lots of action. But some people linger just physically don't dress appropriate to the office building location (tank tops, shorts, flipflops) and it became very obvious. An old security guard frequented the place to check that nothing is happening. Then they added dividers to the urinals, and eventually took out the main bathroom doors (the warning sign that someone is coming).
I wanted to be in the middle
NY penn station bathroom near port Authority
That's what I'm trying to find out
Wish there were more public restrooms like this, a true fantasy!!
There are. Have to look

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