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  • 6 anos atrás

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I'd like to point out that even though she has the rap talent of a carpenter beetle, there's no doubt I would a moose with a 3 foot long piece of dental floss, gut it with my teeth and use the hide as a coat, then climb Mt. Everest barefoot while listening to Jake Paul and cannibalizing on my climbing partner to survive with 10,000 volt shockclamps attached to my nipples just to have a 1% chance to be able to eat a crusty piece of dried vaginal secretion from a pair of her old panties.
Calm down leave some edgyness for the rest of us
did this white bitch say the ?
yeah but she can just fuck anyone who gets mad at her
She has a pass, nigga she does porn.
Can somone put a dick back in heir mouth for fuck sake!
Critikal brought me here, but anyways, this was terrible. Anything counts as talent these days I suppose.
Lowkey liked the way she said nigga
Booty fat? Fuck outta here she's like a couple pounds away from being the next Eugenia Cooney
The mic isn't even plugged in. Wtf did I just listen to.

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