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How in the hell is she fucking while having an idle convo with her homegirl...Thot!!
what the fuck was this tho -.- dis bitch fucking in her dorm for shi go tek ar book an pan tap a dat dem hardly know a minus bull foot bout rocking that bed. young love should forever remain a private affair and the hottest part of it is when you know who these people are -.- talk bout complicated affair -.-
oh let me censor and translate my comment for you. these young adults are a disappointment to hard paying parents who support them and people who know them. it sickens me to know then and their situation and see where their efforts and interest lie. i am horribly disappointed in their sexual performance as well and as far as bodies go the male is a well enough specimen but a wasted effort between the sheets. i hope this helped you to understand creole a little better -.-

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